KempleX Herbs
*Special* KempleX Hair & Skin package
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1 - 4oz KempleX Hair Pomade, 1 - 16oz Kemplex Alkaline Shampoo & 1- 16oz KempleX Hair Oil: Aid Alopecia preventing hair from falling out, as well as strengthening and making hair thicker. It contains Batana oil, Coconut oil, Grape Seeds Oil, Olive Oil, Sulfur phosphate and many other alkaline herbs and oil designed to grow and glow your hair. It stimulates the hair follicle and increases circulation and oxidation sufficiently to bring about strong, healthy regrowing hair. It’s Safe to use on all hair types and works wonders on thinning edges and temple areas.
3 bars of KempleX Full Body Alkaline Soap: Is a combination of Batana oil, Coconut oil, Grape Seeds Oil, Shea Butter and many other alkaline herbs and oil designed to Cleanse, moisturize and soothe your skin giving it that softness and glow.
The element, sulphur, enters into nearly every cell and tissue of the entire body. It is the greatest antiseptic known. When the cell breaks down, sulphur is the first element lost, and is usually accompanied with hydrogen when it exudes from the dying cell. It is the "life and death of the cell.”Sulfur helps dry out the surface of your skin to help absorb excess oil (sebum) that may contribute to acne breakouts. It also dries out dead skin cells to help unclog your pores.
1 - 16 oz of
KempleX Klorophyll: Is a combination of Bladderwrack Burdock Root, Linden, Nettles, Nopal Purple Sea Moss & many other natural herbs.
KempleX Klorophyll/chlorophyll assists people in building the general health and resistance of the body by providing nutrients and herbs that stimulate healing because it is high in calcium which is the key for building the body. It is also a great appetite suppressant. It has Radioactive properties and is a Chemo & Heavy metal detox. It Clean cells and protect the body from radiation and remove it from the body. It reduces blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, hypertension, strengthens eyes, nails & hair, prevents colon cancer & leukemia. Protect against influenza B virus, reduces risk of thyroid enlargement or goiter hypothyroidism and mental illness. Prevents formation of blood clots and threat of stroke, aids in improving heart, dental health and healthy digestion. Reduces iodine deficiency making bones stronger, improves nails & hair growth and boosts energy. Oxygen is the food for the body Klorophyll feeds the body all the much needed minerals and promotes the production of red blood cells, it absorbs toxins precursors to illness that are in the intestines and the body acts as an internal deodorant, bad breath, urine odors and menstrual odors. Klorophyll has anti-carcinogenic that reduces the risks of cancer. Klorophyll increases the production of white blood cells, fighting against conditions such as Leukopenia. It accelerates healing and is a regulator of the intestinal system. Klorophyll should be introduced to the body daily.
KLOROPHYLL/CHLORINE (CHLOROPHYLL) is the green coloring matter found in all green plants. From its very name, chloro (green), and phyll (to regenerate) we might guess that it contains the green element, CHLORINE, and we should not be wrong. CHLORINE and IRON are the principal ingredients of CHLOROPHYLL, although chemists may disagree as to its exact formula. IRON, the magnetic element, has the power to hold three atoms of chlorine in the compound called per-chloride of iron. There are three loosely held atoms of chlorine in chloroform (CH-Cl,3), and it is this well known anesthetic we are going to use as an illustration of the immense vital power of CHLORINE to animate the speed of growth of plants.
The word OXYGEN is derived from the Greek, meaning "to bring forth." The only breathable oxygen produced by nature is from the leaves or lungs of plants and given off to the atmosphere in abundance. Carbon dioxide does not and cannot support the life of the human or animal cell, but it is absorbed into the organism of the plant. The carbon being used for structural purposes and the oxygen being breathed out. The very breath of Human life is, therefore, dependent upon the vegetable or Herb kingdom. Holy script says, "The fruit thereof is for meat and the leaves for the healing of the Nations" and modern science verifies that fact. We know well that the Herb can and does assimilate inorganic mineral matter and that through some mysterious and unknown alchemy convert this inert and lifeless matter into living organic material, which, when presented to the animal or human cell is hungrily absorbed, sustaining and renewing its life process. We also know that the life process of the human cell cannot be sustained by any element or compound obtained directly from the inorganic kingdom. Even oxygen in the air we breathe, is diluted with 79.07 percent of nitrogen. That is, by volume, or 77 percent nitrogen by weight. If pure oxygen is inhaled for more than a comparatively short length of time, it will destroy the tissues by burning them. If a mouse be placed into a large jar of oxygen, he will frisk about and be excessively active for 20 or 30 minutes, and then he will drop dead. But, the oxygen from plants, used as food and medicine does not so destroy.
CALCIUM, which also is most vital and necessary to healthy metabolism. First, let us say that in our opinion, there is no element that is less understood and more ignorantly applied than the metal CALCIUM and its compounds. CALCIUM IS THE GREAT BUILDER of the structural parts of the body. Not only of the bones and ligaments, but the walls of the arteries, the heart, the walls of the veins; the teeth, the epithelial and connective tissues, while it is also an integral and necessary element in both blood and lymph. We know that many malnutritional diseases, such as rickets, cretinism, (though of course, there are other causes) etc. are usually the result of a deficiency of CALCIUM. At the same time, we know that excess of this metal is responsible for arteriosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, also for sclerema or sclerosis of tissues, liver, skin, eyes, etc. In fact, we know that old age, itself, is brought about by a gradual hardening of the whole structural system, through deposition of CALCIUM compounds that are insoluble and inorganic. What we mean, when we say that CALCIUM is little understood and often ignorantly administered is, that while the young growing organism can use relatively large amounts of CALCIUM, when the body is fully matured and solidified, the amount of CALCIUM required decreases; and past middle age, comparatively less than half the amount is necessary, and in old age, a very small amount is required, and over that small amount, CALCIUM becomes a very dangerous thing to use, often bringing about most disastrous results, and yet never being thought of as the cause of the chronic suffering and sometimes death of the patient. When freed from compounds, CALCIUM will unite powerfully with carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, chlorine, fluorine, sulphur, phosphorus and silica. Of course, inorganic CALCIUM cannot be used in the life process of the cell, but instead forms by far the greatest number of obstructions to the normal life processes of the human organism. Organic CALCIUM as found in some foods and Herbs, is distinctly alkaline in reaction as key limes, sour oranges, onions; while others have an acid reaction upon certain fluids and tissues as milk, cheese, peas, beans, lentils, cucumbers, radishes, fish, meat, potatoes, etc. Green and leafy vegetables contain CALCIUM chloride, as do many berries and Herbs.
CALCIUM is an indispensable and important body building food, but as we grow older, we require much less, unless (as in rare cases) we suffer from an actual shortage. Therefore, to recommend, or administer Herbs or diet largely composed of CALCIUM is detrimental to people past middle age, and especially so to the very old. For growing children and pregnant women, it is the remedy par excellence, especially in rickets and kindred diseases.
Symptoms: Calcium deficiency can cause extreme fatigue, which involves a lack of energy and an overall feeling of sluggishness, insomnia, lightheadedness, dizziness, and brain fog — characterized by a lack of focus, forgetfulness, and confusion.
1 pack of KempleX Iron:
KempleX Iron: Is a combination of Bitter Wood Blessed Thistle Bugleweed Chaparral Sarsaparilla Self Heal and many other herbs that has a high concentration of IRON. IRON is the most important mineral & the spark plug of the human body. It fires the body up and is the only mineral on the planet that is magnetic, it has a tendency to pull all minerals to it. It is needed for growth and development. It conveys oxygen to the brain & carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body. Large amounts can cause the body to heal from disease such as anemia, leukemia, sickle cell, thalassemia, hypoglycemia, diabetes etc. Lets just say if your IRON is up to par you won't get sick.
The word OXYGEN is derived from the Greek, meaning "to bring forth." The only breathable oxygen produced by nature is from the leaves or lungs of plants and given off to the atmosphere in abundance. Carbon dioxide does not and cannot support the life of the human or animal cell, but it is absorbed into the organism of the plant. The carbon being used for structural purposes and the oxygen being breathed out. The very breath of Human life is, therefore, dependent upon the vegetable or Herb kingdom. Holy script says, "The fruit thereof is for meat and the leaves for the healing of the Nations" and modern science verifies that fact. We know well that the Herb can and does assimilate inorganic mineral matter and that through some mysterious and unknown alchemy convert this inert and lifeless matter into living organic material, which, when presented to the animal or human cell is hungrily absorbed, sustaining and renewing its life process. We also know that the life process of the human cell cannot be sustained by any element or compound obtained directly from the inorganic kingdom. Even oxygen in the air we breathe, is diluted with 79.07 percent of nitrogen. That is, by volume, or 77 percent nitrogen by weight. If pure oxygen is inhaled for more than a comparatively short length of time, it will destroy the tissues by burning them. If a mouse be placed into a large jar of oxygen, he will frisk about and be excessively active for 20 or 30 minutes, and then he will drop dead. But, the oxygen from plants, used as food and medicine does not so destroy.
The lack of iron causes 40 manifestations of disease and more. Iron Deficiency Symptoms extreme fatigue, weakness, pale skin, chest pain, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, headache, dizziness, lightheadedness, cold hands and feet, inflammation, soreness of your tongue, lost of taste and smell, brittle nails unusual cravings for non-nutritive substances such as ice dirt or starch, poor appetite especially in infants and children and many more. Without iron the body loses energy & the immune system begins to give way. There is no oxygen going to the brain when iron is low. Without iron we wrinkle at a young age and are no longer able to walk straight. Low iron has been linked to infertility.
The lack of IRON causes 40 manifestations of disease and more. All blood 🩸DIS-ease is caused by the lack of IRON. Such as
KempleX Iron: Is a complete blood nurturer. It is a combination of Bitter Wood, Blessed Thistle, Bugleweed, Chaparral, Sarsaparilla, Self Heal and many other herbs that have a high concentration of IRON. IRON is the most important mineral that gives a spark for all the other minerals in the human body. It has a tendency to pull all minerals to it and it is the only mineral on the planet that is magnetic. It is needed for growth and development and it conveys oxygen to the brain & carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body. Kexplex Iron can assist in building the general health and resistance of the body by providing nutrients and herbs that stimulate healing from disease such as anemia, leukemia, sickle cell, thalassemia, hypoglycemia, diabetes etc. Let's just say if your IRON is up to par you won't get sick. The lack of iron causes many diseases such as Abdominal aortic aneurysm, Acne, Acute cholecystitis, Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: Children, Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: Teenagers and young adults, Acute myeloid leukaemia, Acute myeloid leukaemia: Children, Acute myeloid leukaemia: Teenagers and young adults, Acute pancreatitis, Addison's disease, Alcohol-related liver disease, Allergic rhinitis, Allergies, Alzheimer's disease, Anal cancer, Anaphylaxis, Angioedema, Ankylosing spondylitis, Anorexia nervosa, Anxiety, Anxiety disorders in children, Appendicitis, Arthritis, Asbestosis, Asthma, Atopic eczema, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), Bacterial vaginosis, Benign prostate enlargement, Bile duct cancer (cholangiocarcinoma), Binge eating, Bipolar disorder, Bladder cancer, Blood poisoning (sepsis), Bone cancer, Bone cancer: Teenagers and young adults, Bowel cancer, Bowel incontinence, Bowel polyps, Brain stem death, Brain tumours, Brain tumours: Children, Brain tumours: Teenagers and young adults, Breast cancer (female), Breast cancer (male), Bronchiectasis, Bronchitis, Bulimia, Bunion, Carcinoid syndrome and carcinoid tumours, Catarrh, Cellulitis, Cervical cancer, Chest infection, Chest pain, Chickenpox, Chilblains, Chlamydia, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Chronic kidney disease, Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, Chronic myeloid leukaemia, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Chronic pain, Chronic pancreatitis, Cirrhosis, Clostridium difficile, Coeliac disease, Cold sore, Coma, Common cold, Common heart conditions, Congenital heart disease, Conjunctivitis, Constipation, Coronavirus (COVID-19), Cough, Crohn's disease, Croup, Cystic fibrosis, Cystitis, Deafblindness, Deep vein thrombosis, Dehydration, Dementia, Dementia with Lewy bodies, Dental abscess, Depression, Dermatitis herpetiformis, Diabetes, Diarrhoea, Discoid eczema, Diverticular disease and diverticulitis, Dizziness (Lightheadedness), Down's syndrome, Dry mouth, Dysphagia (swallowing problems), Dystonia, Earache, Earwax build-up, Ebola virus disease, Ectopic pregnancy, Endometriosis, Epilepsy, Erectile dysfunction (impotence), Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157, Ewing sarcoma, Ewing sarcoma: Children, Eye cancer, Febrile seizures, Fever in adults, Fever in children, Fibroids, Fibromyalgia, Flatulence, Flu, Foetal alcohol syndrome, Food poisoning, Fungal nail infection, Gallbladder cancer, Gallstones, Ganglion cyst, Gastroenteritis, Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), Genital herpes, Genital warts, Germ cell tumours, Glandular fever, Gonorrhoea, Gout, Gum disease, Haemorrhoids (piles), Hand, foot and mouth disease, Hay fever, Head and neck cancer, Head lice and nits, Headaches, Hearing loss, Heart failure, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Hiatus hernia, High cholesterol, HIV, Hodgkin lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma: Children, Hodgkin lymphoma: Teenagers and young adults, Huntington's disease, Hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar), Hyperhidrosis, Hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar), Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, Impetigo, Indigestion, Ingrown toenail, Inherited heart conditions, Insomnia, Iron deficiency anaemia, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Irritable hip, Itching, Itchy bottom, Kaposi's sarcoma, Kidney cancer, Kidney infection, Kidney stones, Labyrinthitis, Lactose intolerance, Laryngeal (larynx) cancer, Laryngitis, Leg cramps, Lichen planus, Liver cancer, Liver disease, Liver tumours, Loss of libido, Lung cancer, Lupus, Lyme disease, Lymphoedema, Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV), Malaria, Malignant brain tumour (cancerous), Malnutrition, Measles, Meningitis, Menopause, Mesothelioma, Middle ear infection (otitis media), Migraine, Miscarriage, Motor neurone disease (MND), Mouth cancer, Mouth ulcer, Multiple myeloma, Multiple sclerosis (MS), Mumps, Meniere's disease, Nasal and sinus cancer, Nasopharyngeal cancer, Neuroblastoma: Children, Neuroendocrine tumours, Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma: Children, Norovirus, Nosebleed, Obesity, Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), Obstructive sleep apnoea, Oesophageal cancer, Oral thrush in adults, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Osteosarcoma, Otitis externa, Ovarian cancer, Ovarian cancer: Teenagers and young adults, Ovarian cyst, Overactive thyroid, Paget's disease of the nipple, Pancreatic cancer, Panic disorder, Parkinson's disease, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Pelvic organ prolapse, Penile cancer, Peripheral neuropathy, Personality disorder, Pleurisy, Pneumonia, Polymyalgia rheumatica, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Postnatal depression, Pregnancy and baby, Pressure ulcers, Prostate cancer, Psoriasis, Psoriatic arthritis, Psychosis, Pubic lice, Rare tumours, Raynaud's phenomenon, Reactive arthritis, Restless legs syndrome, Retinoblastoma: Children, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ringworm and other fungal infections, Rosacea, Scabies, Scarlet fever, Schizophrenia, Scoliosis, Septic shock, Shingles, Shortness of breath, Sickle cell disease, Sinusitis, Sjogren's syndrome, Skin cancer (melanoma), Skin cancer (non-melanoma), Slapped cheek syndrome, Soft tissue sarcomas, Soft tissue sarcomas: Teenagers and young adults, Sore throat, Spleen problems and spleen removal, Stillbirth, Stomach ache and abdominal pain, Stomach cancer, Stomach ulcer, Stress, anxiety and low mood, Stroke, Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), Suicide, Sunburn, Swollen glands, Syphilis, Testicular cancer, Testicular cancer: Teenagers and young adults, Testicular lumps and swellings, Thirst, Threadworms, Thrush, Thyroid cancer, Thyroid cancer: Teenagers and young adults, Tinnitus, Tonsillitis, Tooth decay, Toothache, Transient ischaemic attack (TIA), Trigeminal neuralgia, Tuberculosis (TB), Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, Trichomonas infection, Ulcerative colitis, Underactive thyroid, Urinary incontinence, Urinary tract infection (UTI), Urinary tract infection (UTI) in children, Urticaria (hives), Vaginal cancer, Varicose eczema, Venous leg ulcer, Vertigo, Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency anaemia, Vomiting in adults, Vulval cancer, Warts and verrucas, Whooping cough, Wilms’ tumour, Womb (uterus) cancer, Yellow fever.
Iron Deficiency Symptoms: Extreme fatigue, weakness, pale skin, chest pain, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, headache, dizziness, lightheadedness, cold hands and feet, inflammation, soreness of your tongue, lost of taste and smell, brittle nails unusual cravings for non-nutritive substances such as ice dirt or starch, poor appetite especially in infants and children and many more. Without iron the body loses energy & the immune system begins to give way. There is no oxygen going to the brain when iron is low. Without iron we wrinkle at a young age and are no longer able to walk straight. Low iron has been linked to infertility.
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